The First Grade Magistrate Court in Blantyre has adjourned a case in which three women are being tried for shooting a video encouraging a 4 year old kid to drink local binge Kachasu.

The video has over the last few days gone viral on the social media. It is said the incident took place in Chirimba Township. The video shows the woman chanting for the little kid to finish up a 250mls filled bottle while apparently applauding him for what they dubbed as ‘heroic act’.

The three identified as Stella Frank, apparently biological mother of the child, her friends Cecilia Alufazema and Tiyanjane Benson, were heard lauding the kid for his drinking antics in the video and claiming they would share the video in an unknown WhatsApp group while forcing the kid to affirm that he learnt drinking from his Ndirande based aunt.

The trending video has grown an unprecedented condemnation before the father of the toddler; Chifuniro Tchuma sued the three on the stance that he had recognized the voices of the three women.

Tchuma told the court that his wife and the two other friends were behind the video and that the incident was traumatizing.
The three have however pleaded not guilty before the court session graced by a mammoth of people and sympathizer

Before adjourning the case to 22nd October 2019, magistrate Soka Banda said it was unfortunate that children from the township were succumbing to various forms of abusing recalling a recent rape case involving two girls.

Meanwhile, Banda has ordered the mother, Stella to stay away from the kid and that the three should be reporting to Chirimba police unit every fortnight.
The three are also required to pay a bail bond of K40, 000.

Alufazema hails from Katunga village in the area of Traditional Authority Malemia in Nsanje while Benson comes from Mulosola Village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwambo in Zomba district.

In 2018, a study by the Centre for Human Rights, Education and Advice and Assistance (Chreaa) had revealed that miscellaneous initiatives to halt various forms of violence against abuse of children were falling out. Often children suffer sexual and physical attacks.

Source: MIJ Online.

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