A 28 year old man who is also a vegetable seller, Andrew Jordan, has opened a new chapter of his life after winning K51million in soccer betting.

With only MK150, Jordan life has moved from rags to riches and he could not believe it as he was told about the correct scores he made in 23 games has won him such amount.

His dreams officially became a reality when premier Bet organized a function in Blantyre where he was presented with a dummy cheque.

Speaking during the presentation ceremony, the company’s’ assistant Training manager Joseph Malonda said he was very excited to have changed Jordan’s life through MK51million.

“This is a clear message to those who doubts the game. We are the leading sports betting as well as entertainment Company in Malawi and giving out this money in succession is a very big achievement and this is what we have been longing for,” said Malonda.

After receiving the cheque, Jordan said his life will never be the same.

“Iam very excited to have won this huge amount of money for only spending K150. At first, I could not believe it by now Iam a K51million richer. I will sit down to plan on what to do since this is a lot of money,” he said.

In August, a Chinsapo based man won K21million after betting with only K150.

The company also handed out K109million to a Blantyre based business man who won the money on two separate tickets spending K2,300 total on the tickets which he correctly predicted 30 games.




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