The Dowa First Grade Magistrate’s Court has sentenced 18 year-old Paul Chikho to two years imprisonment with hard labour for unlawful wounding his 53 year-old biological mother, Mercy Hannock.

State Prosecutor Regina Namakhwa Nyirenda told the court that on 24th September 2019, the two had a disagreement over a piece of land after plans by Chikho to rent it out were stopped by the mother.

Nyirenda said this angered the convict who started beating up his mother with a stone resulting in unlawfully wounding.

In court, the convict pleaded guilty to the charge.

Passing sentence, Magistrate Amran Phiri said the convict deserved a custodial sentence to send as a warning to other would be offenders.

Paul Chikho hails from Pias Village, Traditional Authority Mkukula in the district

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