Minister of Homeland Security Nicholas Dausi has said operations are underway to disarm Nsundwe Forces in Lilongwe following the barbaric incident that happened yesterday costing a life of a policeman.

According to Dausi, those committed the crime are a threat to peace and democracy that is expected to reign in the country.

“They are a threat to peace and democracy,” Dausi said.

The minister further added that Malawi Defense Soldiers (MDF) and the Police are working tirelessly to calm the situation.

The incident started on Tuesday as the grouping calling themselves Nsundwe Barracks blocked the Mchinji-Lilongwe road to restrain Peter Mutharika from holding a rally.

As things went out of hand, police had to intervene to calm the situation which resulted into the Superintendent Usumani Imedi meeting his fate as he was stoned to death by the angry mob.

According to National police spokesperson James Kadadzera, at least 12 people have arrested in connection to the murder of Imedi.

Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) chairperson Timothy Mtambo has however condemned the act describing it as evil calling for the immediate arrest of the perpetrators.

In his remarks a political commentator Makhumbo Munthali described the act as evil and satanic.

“The murder of a Police Officer at Nsundwe today is barbaric, satanic and should be condemned in strongest terms. We demand the Police not only to arrest the murderers but also bring to book all those behind such barbaric acts,” writes Munthali on his Facebook page.

Until yesterday, two police officers are reported to have died in the line of duty following post-election violence that erupted aftermath of May 21 elections where the electoral body declared Peter Mutharika winner of the disputed elections.

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