A 29 year old woman from Los Angeles after 6 intense years of marriage has applied for marriage annulment when she discovered that her husband was a woman and she was misled all this time.

Alice Thomson, who married her husband in 2011 have been dating for three years.

According to Thomson she met her husband at a church group, both had been members of Evangelical Church, hence she did not care that her husband would not want to do anything before marriage.

Things turned grey on their wedding night as the husband showed no sign of making love complaining he had headache.

“I had been waiting for to wedding night, then he didn’t want to do anything, he said he had a headache, I thought it was weird because those are rather women things” said Thomson.

Thomson and her husband stayed 6 years of sexless marriage citing that he was only good at foreplay.

“I realized that he had a better performance in the foreplay but he didn’t finish. Foreplay is good, but I need something more. When I told him it, he answered that it was better that way so he liked to go slowly”. She said.

After her persistence, finally her husband collapsed and he admitted that he really was a woman.

“After I knew the truth, I realized many details, he never let me in when he was showering and I imagined that he felt shame.

He used to urinate sitting and he told me it was for won’t spill a drop”.

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