One of the witnesses of the second petitioner in the ongoing Presidential election Lackson Chimangeni has testified that Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera won the May 21 tripartite election.

Chimangeni said this during his cross examination by lead lawyer for Malawi Electoral Elections – Kalekeni Kaphale at the Constitutional Court in the capital Lilongwe.

According to the witness, Chakwera who came second in May polls results declared by MEC won the polls with around 1.9 Million votes followed by candidate Peter Mutharika of DPP who got around 1.8 million votes.

The witness further said first petitioner in the case Saulos Chilima got around 1.2 million votes.

Chimangeni said 1.4 million ballots were tampered with and needed to have been thrown away but the party was surprised to see surprised to note the discarded voted were counted.

The MCP along with UTM want the presidential elections nullified citing numerous irregularities with the use of tippex being the high profile anomaly.

Meanwhile the case is continuing.

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