Old Mutual has launched the 2019/2020 Mathematics Olympiad to be competed for by secondary school students from across the country.

In his speech, Managing Director of Old Mutual Roy Punungwe revealed that the sponsorship has been increased from K16 million to K16.5 million.

“2013 is the year that Old Mutual Malawi embarked on this journey. As a responsible business to the communities we serve, Old mutual realized the importance of shaping future leaders of this country, we believe that raising Mathematicians will contribute to the development of Malawi,” Punungwe said.

He added that this sponsorship will go a long way to continuously improve secondary school students in preferring mathematics.

Punungwe also thanked Mzuzu University especially the Mathematics Department for supporting the competition.

Commenting on the matter, the Vice Chancellor of Mzuzu University Professor John Kanga Saka hailed the company for sponsoring the Olympiad.

“We are very happy about this investment from Old Mutual because it supports the developments of youth in Mathematics and indeed once they benefit from this they can now go into different careers which are informed by Mathematics, so we are very thankful to Old Mutual and we will make good,” he said.

He added that this is targeting all secondary schools and female students are more encouraged to participate in this competition.

This is the Sixth year since Old Mutual started sponsoring the Mathematics Olympiad.

Last year, a female student from Don Bosco secondary school won the competition, seconded by another female.


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