A court in Dowa has sentenced Group Village Headman M’gabi to four and a half years in prison for defiling a 13- year-old girl while the two were coming from night of prayers.

State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Benedict Mathambo told the jam-packed court that the offender, whose real name is James Chilemba aged 28, committed the offence between the night of September 28 and September 29, 2019 at Kanthunkako Village in the district.

The court further heard that on the day, Life of Glory Ministry Church organized a night of prayers at Bosco Ground. The rapist and the victim were among participants during the night of prayers.

At around midnight, the two were going home together and on their way, Chilemba defiled the girl.

Upon arrival at home, the victim reported the matter to her mother who then reported it to Mvera Police Post.

The victim was then referred to Mvera Mission Health Centre where medical examination conducted revealed the victim was indeed raped.

Appearing before the court, Chilemba pleaded guilty to a charge of defilement.

First Grade Magistrate Amran Phiri then sentenced the rapist to 54 months imprisonment with hard labor.

Group Village Headman M’gabi (James Chilemba) comes from M’gabi Village in Traditional Authority Khombeza in Salima District.


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