Vice President, Everton Chimulirenji, is in Msakanene village in Nkhata bay district, attending funeral of four people killed in a fracas that erupted yesterday in the village.

21 houses were torched and about 80 people were left affected by the fracas after people from another village revenged death of one of their own.

Brief facts from police indicate that people from Musakanene went to Mkondezi to hunt for a suspect who has been breaking into houses in their village.

The people pounced on a wrong suspect and people from Mkondezi ganged up to chase away the group from Musakanene. A fight ensued and one from Mkondezi died upon reaching the hospital.

In retariation a group from Mkondezi went to Musakanene on Tuesday where over 20 houses have been torched, killing four people in the process.

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