Malawi Defence Force (MDF) on Thursday held Inter-religious prayers under the theme “Serving the true God” at Airbase camp in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe.

Muslim Chaplain, Sheikh Major Saad Khamis Malovu, has urged soldiers to submit themselves to the true God.

In his lecture, Sheikh Major Malovu said it is a must for soldiers to praise God who created everything, who hears everything and who will interrogate human beings in the life hereafter.

He added that Satan has no part in controlling the lives of people because the only overseer of people’s lives is God.

“Satan has no role in your lives because your life was offered by God and it has limited time. When that time reaches, God will take back His life,” he said.

The MDF Muslim chaplain also urged the soldiers and their spouses to always put God first.

“We, as soldiers, as soldiers’ wives, we are supposed to be praising God in whatever we do daily.

“We should always do our job in line with God’s wish. Whenever we are doing our job to please God, He will always give us good rewards. We should serve true God,” he said.

Sheikh Major Malovu added that soldiers should always know that any positive thing they do has a good reward and people shall be accountable for their deeds.

“If we are working to improve the living standards of our families, to develop our country, we should always know that we are praying to God and we shall be rewarded for that in the life hereafter,” he said.

Sheikh Major Malovu also advised the soldiers to always be consistent when it comes to praising true God.

“Just imagine you are praising God and at the same time falling in the traps of Satan. In such situations you lack direction but I am urging you to only cling to true God who created you and me,” he says.

The Inter-religious prayers happen annually and bring together all denominations within Malawi Defence Force.



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