The Dalton Court sitting in Limbe on Tuesday sentenced a 28-year-old gardener Manyozo Kapanda to 9 years in jail for sodomising his boss’ 9-year-old daughter contravening section 153 (a) of the penal code.

Limbe Police Station Publicist Widson Nhlane said Manyozo rape defiled the girl in August in Blantyre.

Police prosecutor Lewis Pharaoh told the court that the convict was working as a garden boy to the victim’s family and that the mother of this minor does a small business within the area.

On the day of the sexual abuse, the victim was assigned to carry business goods from home to a business place.

“She asked the convict to assist but he openly told her that, on this day, it will not be for free,” the prosecutor explained.

On their way to the business place, Manyozo sodomised the girl and threatened to kill her if she revealed to her parents.

The girl later narrated the whole ordeal to the mother and the matter was reported to police.

When he appeared before Second Grade Magistrate George Chimombo, Manyozo denied the charge.

This prompted prosecutor Lewis Pharaoh to parade three witness, who successfully testified against Manyozo.

The court then found the suspect guilty and the presiding magistrate ordered Manyozo to spend 9 years in prison.

The convict hails from Malija village in Traditional Authority Machinjiri- Blantyre.


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