In Kagadi district, Uganda-A 26-year-old man, Emmanuel Nsegimana,On Wednesday hacked his wife’s right arm, for complaining to him and the local leaders about his inability to satisfy her in bed.

The wife, Ruth Imanishimwe,18-year-old was on Wednesday morning admitted to Hoima Regional Referral Hospital, after being severely injured.

In an interview with New Vision at Kagadi Hospital, Imanishimwe said her husband is impotent and does not fulfill his marital obligations. 

She sustained deep cuts on the shoulder, according to medical and police reports.

It is alleged he used a panga, to attempted to cut off her arm. It is also claimed that he accused the wife of adultery as he cut off the arm. He later fled; and is being hunted by police and other local authorities. 

“When I complained about being ‘starved in bed’ he promised to take some traditional herbs to help him regain his prowess, but all in vain. She explained that after bed matters worsened, she decided to separate with him and started staying at her sister’s home in Kafene Village, in Burora sub-county. It is at this home, that he followed her up, and cut her arm.

Steven Mugisa, the Kafene chairman LCI said he received a complaint about the man’s impotence from his wife a week ago but was planning to meet the couple about the matter. 

“I comforted her that I would see her husband and chat a way forward but before I intervened, she ran to her sister’s home; which annoyed her husband and he ended up cutting her; which is illegal and punishable,” he explained.

After being cut, she was rushed to Kagadi Hospital by a Good Samaritans, as she was profusely bleeding. After offering her first aid, she was referred to Hoima Regional Referral Hospital. 

Gideon Bagoya, the officer-in-charge Burora Police Post said Nsegimana is accused of attempted murder.

‘’We are hunting for him and whoever sees him should advise him to bring himself to police before being arrested or lynched by the mob,” he said.

Mugisa explained that the woman’s arm was cut using a panga and that her shoulder is severely injured. He also cut part of her mouth.

Justine Kyakuha, a nurse in charge of the female ward at Kagadi Hospital said the victim has been referred to Hoima referral hospital due to lack of blood and other basic health facilities to manage her injuries.

‘’The victim’s health condition requires further management. She needs blood because she bled profusely and is very weak,” she said.

Kyakuha added that the victim’s left hand was fully cut off.

Geoffrey Natukunda, a brother to the victim said, her sister had been married to Sengimana. ”They had just stayed together for a few days. The man convinced her that they would stay in peace since they were coming from the same region. Little did she know that the man was troublesome,” he said.

Natukunda says that his sister needs financial help, and appeals to well-wishers to assist them. 

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