A controversial South African prophet Mboro has bragged his abilities to stop the heat waves that have dominated many parts of African countries saying he can pray for rain to our as he is gifted in rain making.

“Rain represents prosperity, peace and economic growth. If we acknowledge God’s position in our lives, it will rain,” said Mboro.

“Rain is not science. It’s God’s gift to his people. He wants us to get closer to him by acknowledging his strength and power through prayer.

“I’m gifted to make it rain as I did in the past and I can still lead the process if we work together.”

Last year in February, Mboro travelled to Cape Town to pray for rain in the drought-stricken Western Cape. Dams were running empty and residents feared the day when all the water would be finished.

The rains soon came.

Some of the social media messages appealing to the pastor to make it rain.

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