A polygamist from Honde valley killed his one-year-old son while attacking his first wife after he had decided to spend the night in his second wife’s bed instead of his first wife’s bed where he allegedly was supposed to spend the night at that particular night.

According to Police Spokesperson:

“Chiripamawoko went to the second wife, Prisca Museka’s kitchen, where Nyamahondo was and demanded to know why he intended to put up with the second wife ahead of her that night.
The misunderstanding over conjugal rights led Nyamahondo to pick an axe-handle and swung it at Chiripamawoko who was holding their infant son.”
The child was hit in the head sustaining serious injuries. The child was then rushed to Chavhanga clinic for medical attention from where he was referred to Hauna hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

The man is now facing murder charges for fatally striking his son.

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