Police in Siaya County have launched a manhunt for a man reported to have murdered his three-year-old son following a quarrel with his wife.

Boniface Onyango Olela is said to have had a verbal exchange with his wife and in a fit of fury to get at his wife, killed the innocent baby at their house in Nyadhi village.

The 32-year-old left villagers tongue tied, as many could not comprehend why he would murder his child as punishment to his wife.

Confirming the incident, area Assistant Chief Philip Ogola said the suspect had issues with his wife, Josephine Atieno, for close to a month and they had been fighting all the time.

The administrator said that Josephine took off to her parents’ home in Moi’s Bridge, taking with her the three-year-old, Remmy Olela.

He said that the suspect later visited his in-laws and took off with the child, with whom he has been staying at Nyadhi village.

“According to his parents, all was well and the father and son had a very good time,” said the assistant chief adding that at around 3pm on Wednesday, he left for his house to have a siesta with the deceased.

Ogola said that the parents became suspicious when the two were not seen by around 7.30pm, prompting his father to check on them.

“The old man went to check on to the suspect’s house only to find an unlocked padlock hanging on the door,” said the chief, adding that the old man opened the door only to find the body of the child lying on the bed covered with blanket. He said that by then, Onyango had disappeared and has not been seen to date.

Siaya County Police Commander, Francis Kooli said the police were hunting for the suspect. He said that the body of the deceased has been removed to Siaya county referral hospital for post mortem and called on the public to assist the police with information that could lead to the arrest of the suspect.






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