A 51 year-old man James Preston went from being a predator to being a prey when he was trying to rape a woman and was found by a gay who then raped him.

At around 1 A.M, Preston took an identified woman to an isolated place with an aim of raping her and before he could start, another man, Bernard Jones, came into the scene.

According to Preston, he thought Jones was their to help him raping the woman only to be surprised when Jones let the woman go and grabbed Preston.

“First I believed he was gonna help me rape her. And I was telling him to come on and help me, because he was quiet, just looking at me with a weird look.”, said Preston.

He kept going: “Then he attacked me and told her to let her go. What happened next was literally a pain in the ass”

The unidentified woman called the police as soon as she could and both men were found naked, trying to rape each other but Jones was winning.

They were both arrested and charged for rape, even though some people claim that Jones shouldn’t be arrested, as he was a hero.

“I only hope they put us in the same cell”, said Jones.

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