An 82-year-old Bulawayo woman was robbed of jewellery worth US$50 000 by two pistol brandishing men who claimed to be police officers.

Ms Valerie Sonya Pilossof from Khumalo suburb lost a gold wrist watch, a diamond ring and a gold ring to the men on Monday.

Bulawayo provincial police spokesperson Chief Inspector Precious Simango confirmed the robbery yesterday and said the suspects were on the run.

“On November 4 2019 at about 11AM, complainant arrived at her Khumalo residence and found two unknown men seated in the lounge. Ms Pilossof then requested them to identify themselves and they said they were police officers but did not produce any identification documentation or explain why they were in her house,” said Chief Insp Simango.

She said the men grabbed the elderly woman and forcibly took her gold Baumercier wrist watch.

“They also forced Ms Pilossof to remove her gold and diamond rings and surrender them threatening to harm her if she resisted. At the same time one of the accused persons produced an unknown object that looked like a pistol and pointed it at the complainant,” she said.

According to Chief Insp Simango, the two fake police officers further demanded that the complainant shows them her offices.

“Ms Pilossof told them that she did not have any offices and does not operate any businesses within her house or elsewhere. The duo ordered her to lie down on the floor and remain so if she did not want to be hurt and then they disappeared,” said Chief Insp Simango.

She said Ms Pilossof immediately made a report to the police who attended the scene.—@thamamo

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