ZIMBABWE – A brave maid (19) from Zimbabwe,  Bulawayo’s Pumula South suburb thwarted two armed robbers who had raided her employer’s home and attempted to get away with R17 000 and US$1 400.

The robbers armed with “sharp objects” allegedly raided Miss Methembe Ndlovu’s employer’s home in broad daylight on Wednesday.

As they were getting away with a plastic bag containing R17 000 and US$1 425, the teen rushed towards them, snatched the bag and threw it next door through a window.

In anger, the hapless robbers stabbed her on the left side of her chest and fled in alarm when they heard commotion from next door.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Chief Inspector Precious Simango confirmed the armed robbery case yesterday.

“We received a foiled armed robbery case in Pumula South suburb where a 19-year-old woman employed as a domestic worker dispossessed two armed robbers of cash they had taken from her employer’s home. “The robbers had forced themselves into the house demanding cash which the maid said she did not know about. They searched her employer’s bedroom and got R17 000 and US$1 425. As the two robbers were escaping but still in the house, she snatched the plastic bag that contained the money and threw it to her neighbour’s home through a window. In the process she screamed for help and the robbers escaped without getting the money,” said Chief Insp Simango.

She said Miss Ndlovu sustained a deep cut and was later taken to Mpilo Central Hospital for treatment.

She said police suspect that the robbers had inside information.

state media

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