New kids in the comic world Felistus Ngwira and Tannah Sydney Harawa popularly known as Nya Uyu and Mr. Brocken English respectively, have announced the birth of their comical duet, Tannah and Nya Uyu.

The duo confirmed of the news in a separate interview, adding that they want to introduce a new scene of comedy which will involve a male and female, as they mentioned Izeki and Jakobo as their role model.

Nya Uyu said: “We are very excited to announce the birth of this duet. We are as excited as a couple which is announcing its wedding day.”

“We had Izeki and Jakobo, one of the greatest comedy duet Malawi has ever had. We feel now it is time to have a new scene and a duet which is made up of a male and a female. As young comedians, it is proper that we join the movement to bring new ideas,” she said.

According to Tannah, Izeki and Jakobo has been their inspiration since day one as they were very talented and organized.

When asked if they have what it takes to scale the heights of their models, the duo could not respond, however they emphasized that they will deliver their best to Malawians.

He said: “We do not want to say much, but we promise Malawians that we will give them the best.”

Nya Uyu and Tannah said they will soon start releasing their skits. Apart from that, they will also be involved in production of TV adverts, taking part in awareness campaigns and hosting both social and corporate events.

However, the two have revealed that the birth of their duet does not mean the death of their individual careers.

“I have my own brand and he has his own. We will continue pushing our solo projects but at the end of the day team work is important hence the need to work together,” she said.

Tannah said the current arrangement will give them an opportunity to tap into each other’s following since they are coming from a background where they have operated as solo artists.

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