In Harare,Zimbabwe-A policewoman allegedly teamed up with her two brothers and a workmate to assault her ex-husband before stealing R10 000, US$755 and household property worth RTGS$3 970 from him.

Magdalene Murota who is 34 and Thubelihle Dube 35, who are stationed at Morris Depot in Harare, Misai Murota 48 from Mount Pleasant and Wonder Murota who is 37 from Mount Darwin are expected to appear at the Gwanda Magistrate’s Court on November 29 facing charges of assault and theft.

According to the State papers Magdalene, Dube, Misai, Wonder and another unknown female adult who is still at large went to Mr Tawanda Musona’s house at the ZRP New Camp in Gwanda where he works as a police officer on June 12 and attacked him.

“On 12 June at around 6AM Magdalene who was in the company of her work mate Dube, her two brothers Misai and Wonder and an unidentified woman went to ex-husband, Tawanda Musona’s house and they knocked on the door.

“Musona opened and Misai grabbed him by the throat while the other accused persons assaulted him several times all over the body. The accused persons were restrained by some police officers who heard Musona calling for help. He sustained a swollen face and bruises as a result of the attack,” read the State papers.

The State papers further state that after the accused persons had stopped assaulting him, Musona fled from his house leaving his assailants behind. The accused persons then searched all the rooms and took R10 000 and US$755.

According to the State papers the accused persons also took a HP laptop, three blankets, two bed sheets, a gas stove, an electric kettle, plates, cups, 15 pots, knives, a food warmer and a bread toaster and packed them.

“As they were leaving with the property some police officers stopped them and instructed them to leave the property. The accused persons left but came back at around 1PM and they took the property which they had packed and left with it. The property is worth RTGS$3 970. The matter was reported to the police resulting in the arrest of the accused persons and nothing was recovered,” read the state papers. 

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