In a bid to bring sanity in the Malawi Vice President office Everton Chimulirenji has fired one of his security aid Austin Nsopela for indiscipline.

Nsopela who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) loyalist has also been involved into land syndicate in Blantyre.

According to the VP’s office inside sources reveals that there is enormous and well deserved concerns against fraudulent land sales and change of ownership, be it private or public properties.

Some quarters of the society have made up their mind to sale the whole country to Asians and Chinese people by using their political affiliations, influence and connections.

It has been found Nsopela is conniving with Killian Remmie Palika, who is Lands Commissioner which did not go well with VP office.

Sources hold that a family based in Blantyre had a land in Mapanga plot #78.

They have been using the land for more than 20 years. And in 2015, the oldest son applied for a lease and till to date.

Surprisingly, Nsopela was entangled in these illegal deals when he was already fired by the VP office on September 30, 2019.

Sources added that he was just using his veep’s name to instill fear and to threaten people.

This is what is happening; some ill advised cadets are using the name of President Peter Mutharika, to do their corrupt activities or their in agreement with Muthalika?

“Strangely, Nsopela went to their house in disguise as an official from the Ministry of Lands and Urban Development and met the mother (who is in her 60’s) he questioned her “who owns the land?”And she replied “it’s ours and we have been farming therefore quite some time”.

“The man went back, after few weeks he came back and informed the family to stop farming or any activities as the land has now been allocated to him. He later got an injunction from a certain court stopping the family’s activities on the plot. The son went to lands and inquire but to no avail. Through other connections, the son learnt the man is well connected and he is in cohort with the land commissioner,” exposed document, in our possession of Nsopela illegal deals.

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