ZIMBABWE – Heavy rains continue wreaking havoc all around the central city of Gweru in Zimbabwe.
Tonnes of dirty water have flooded the local cemeteries forcing people to take dire measures in a bid to save what was left from their relatives’ graves. While some of them reportedly dewater the pits with buckets others have to use bare hands as no equipment was left idle.

The authorities claim the city deeply needs appropriate tools and mechanical devices to fully address the matter. At this point, there is only one such unit that is currently working nonstop helping the residents.

“We are in the process of formulating the 2020 budget. Such a critical item of expenditure will need to be included. I understand we only have one machine for dewatering graves, but our cemeteries are many. Council will take measures to address that situation,” Councilor Trust Chineni stated.

Among the threats brought by the bad weather are also the risk of water-based disease outbreak, however, no reports of it have been registered since the start of the season.
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