A self-described provider of New York City’s “finest strip club” has extended a generous offer letter to Kanye West, proposing that he bring his very Jesus-y Sunday Service experience to their 39th Street venue.
“I saw you recently brought your Sunday Service inside Harris County Jail and the Baker Street Jail in Houston. You followed that up by bringing the Sunday Service to Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church and delivered a powerful message in your signature stream of consciousness style, making several..interesting…statements throughout,” Sapphire VP Andrew Zarian said in the offer letter, which was shared with the world on Thursday.

The letter goes on to invite West and his Sunday Service band to the midtown Manhattan locale, noting West’s well-documented “affinity” for entertainment of the adult variety.
“Given your affinity for adult entertainment, we wanted to extend you an offer to deliver your free faith-filled concert in a new venue and to a new audience of Gentlemen’s Club entertainers, service staff, and more,” Zarian said in the letter. “We’d love to open the doors to our 39th Street location in midtown Manhattan and have you and your choir grace us with your presence.”
Zarian added the Sapphire team is “serious about making this happen,” urging West to get in touch should the offer tickle his currently conservative fancy.
We have extended an offer to @kanyewest to deliver his faith-filled concert in a new venue, to a new audience of Gentlemen’s Club entertainers, service staff & more. We’d love to open the doors to our 39th street location in NYC & have him & his choir grace us with their presence pic.twitter.com/K0lpiKS9T7
— Sapphire 39 Midtown (@NYSapphire39) November 21, 2019
In an additional statement, Zarian reiterated the main points of the offer letter, adding that this presents “a unique opportunity” for his present practice:
“We wanted to extend an offer to Kanye given his affinity for adult entertainment. He has long been outspoken about his indulgences and has recently cited adult entertainment as one of the reasons he turned to God. We think this presents him with a unique opportunity to spread his message and deliver a powerful sermon to a new audience in a new environment, following up on his recent appearances at prisons and a megachurch.”
Meanwhile, Mr West is yet to respond to the letter.