‘Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life’ an 82 year old grandmother Willie Murphy clearly understands this as she continues visiting the gym despite her old age and letting no one to look own on her as she shares her amazing story of how she dealt with an intruder who invaded her home.

Murphy from New York in the US says that around 11pm on Thursday, the man, 29, entered her house in Rochester despite her refusing to open the door and let him in when he pleaded with her call an ambulance.

Little did he know that Murphy is an award-winning bodybuilder and she described breaking a table over him, beating him with a broomstick and smothering him in shampoo after he forced entry to her property.

‘I’m alone and I’m old, but guess what? I’m tough,’ she warned in an interview with Daily Mailafter the incident.

The publication reports that Murphy had already called the cops but picked up the nearest things to her to keep the thug down until cops arrived to detain him.

‘I hear a loud noise,’ she said

‘I’m thinking, what the heck was that? The young man is in my home. He broke the door. ‘I picked up the table, and I went to work on him. The table broke.

‘And when he’s down. I’m jumping on him. I grabbed the shampoo. Guess what? He’s still on the ground. In his face, all of it, the whole thing. I got the broom. He’s pulling the broom. I’m hitting him with the broom.’

Murphy said the man was trying to make his way out of the property after she fought back and she even tried to help move him along but she struggled with his dead weight.

But soon after police arrived at her home.

‘He picked the wrong house to break into,’ Murphy said.

Murphy works out at the local Maplewood YMCA and received a hero’s welcome when she returned to the gym.

She said even emergency responders wanted to take selfies with her after the incident.

Murphy began lifting five-pound weights 2011 after seeing a sign about a local weight-lifting competition at the Maplewood Family YMCA.

Gradually, she saw her body transform and today she boasts abs of steel and toned arms to match.

She can lift almost double her body weight and out of the gym she has no trouble shoveling snow, carrying groceries or bouncing her grandchildren around.

Proving her power, in 2014 Murphy scored first place in the World Natural Power-lifting Federation World Championships for her division.

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