Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) Chief Executive Officer Dr. Collins Magalasi has been elected as the Chairperson of African Forum for Utility Regulators (AFUR) replacing Mali Electricity and Water Regulator (CREE).

The elections took place on Thursday, 28th November 2019 during the forum’s Annual General Meeting in Cairo, Egypt.

In his acceptance speech, the newly elected AFUR Chairperson, Magalasi said Malawi will adopt a kind of leadership that will endeavor to support every member based on their capabilities and needs.

“I believe that every member is special in their own right, each and every member has its own strength, and as such the best we can do is to support each and every member to be their best. This is what I meant when saying as Malawi we will lead by following you. We will lead by supporting you so that you are able to do the best that you can because it is the outcome of individual best ways that will make AFUR a much better association”, said Magalasi.

The new AFUR Chairperson said he has taken note of the challenges that AFUR is still facing and assured the Forum that the new Executive Committee will work on outstanding issues with the view of making AFUR a better association.

AFUR is an association of utility regulators of all African countries that focuses on issues related to the regulation of energy, telecommunications, transport, water and sanitation industries, with emphasis on issues that are common across sectors.

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