Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has moved in quickly to suspend one of its junior officers, who was seen in a video that has gone viral on social media, chastising the public on the recently introduced Carbon Tax.

Last week, MRA announced that they will be collecting Carbon Tax from motor vehicle upon renewal of Certificate of Fitness (COF).

But this angered many motorists in the country, some even took the issue to the social media to express their anger over the matter.

Although this was the case, one of the junior officers at MRA responded harshly saying whether motorists like it or not they will pay the carbon tax.

But MRA has distanced itself from the statement by its Junior officers and the officer has been suspended.

“The Authority would like to state that the content of the post is contrary and inconsistent with MRA Values, Ethics and Code of Conduct of its members of staff.

“The sentiments made by the officer in the post are personal and do not in any way reflect the position or stand of MRA on the subject matter and should be disregarded,” reads part of the statement signed by Steve Kapoloma, Head of Corporate Affairs.

He added: “The officer has been suspended pending disciplinary procedures.”

MRA has since apologized to Malawians over the matter.

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