Zodwa Wabantu is gatvol of people telling her to put her child’s needs before her own and stop dating Ben 10s.

The star has faced criticism for her relationship with Vusi Buthelezi, with many claiming she should date someone closer to her age.

Zodwa has hit back a few times but took to social media on Wednesday to address all those who believe that her son Vuyo would disapprove of his mother’s romance.

In a social media post this week, Zodwa explained that her boyfriend Vusi made her happy.

“Vusi makes me happy. That’s why my son has a happy mother,” she wrote.

She went on to encourage women not to be too hard on themselves and put their happiness first. She said that doing so would rub off on their kids.

“Women don’t beat yourself up saying my kids first, you are first because all of your kids get is from you.”

Posting a video of her introducing Vuyo to Vusi, Zodwa said she was not going to hide her relationships.

“Don’t take (news of) my boyfriend or whatever I do personally. There is no other way to tell you than to tell you the truth. I fall in love. People break up, we move on,” she told Vuyo in the video.

Source: Timeslive

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