State Vice President Honourable Everton Chimulirenji on Sunday afternoon was forced to cancel a rally at Nkhotakota LEA School after Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vehicle hit to death a primary school learner.

Nkhotakota Police Public Relations Officer Williams Kaponda confirmed of the accident and identified the deceased as Waliya Muhyuddin, a standard 3 learner.

According to Kaponda, the boy died after falling from a moving vehicle which was moving around mobilizing people to attend Chimulirenji rally.

The deceased child is said to have been among several kids who were running after the vehicle with loud speakers mounted on it.

DPP secretary general Grezelda Jeffrey confirmed of the cancellation of the rally while expressing shock over the matter.

The deceased child hailed from Mbaluku Village in the area of senior Chief Malengachanzi in Nkhotakota.

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