In Hewe, Rumphi – The police have arrested a 35-year-old Khwima Nyasulu on allegation that he killed a 49-year-old fellow tenant.

The two quarrelled over meat yesterday.

The deceased has been identified as Lenard Chunda from Mahowe village in the area of Traditional Authority Nthalire in Chitipa District.

Chunda and Nyasulu were both tenants at a certain farm at Msakachuma Village at Kaduku around Hewe area.

Yesterday, their employer bought meat for them which they cooked and went to drink beer. As they took a few sips, Chunda left the drinking place with another tenant for home.

Nyasulu got home around midnight and found the two other tenants fast asleep. The suspect awakened his friends and demanded supper.

The two told the suspect to open the pot of relish, only to find that his friends took more pieces in his absence.

Later, a quarrel broke out and Nyasulu started assaulting Chunda while the other tenant escaped before shouting for help.

When neighbours and the tenants’ employer came, they found Chunda lying unconscious in a pool of blood.

Chunda was taken to Katowo Health Centre where he died while receiving treatment.

A postmortem conducted established that death was caused due to bleeding secondary to a cut on the backbone.

Nyasulu, who comes from Lubagha Village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwahenga in Rumphi, will appear before court soon to answer a charge of murder contrary to Section 209 of the penal code

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