Two minor girls were killed and an 8-year-old boy was found injured in a jungle in Jharkhand. The area where the incident took place falls under the Piparwar police station in Chatra district.

The father of the deceased children said that his daughter and son accompanied by another girl had gone to the jungle to pick firewood for cooking on December 11.

The father lodged a complaint in the local police station and started to search for the children with the help of other locals.

The following morning, the police managed to find the boy in a wounded condition. He was rushed to the local hospital and later referred to the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences(RIMS). The medical reports suggest that the child was hit by stones.

Around 3 pm in the afternoon on December 12, the girls were also recovered from the same jungle by the police. One girl was found dead while the other succumbed to her injuries on her to the hospital.

On being investigated, it came to light that a local 18-year-old man named Sonu had promised the children fruit from the jungle. Police have arrested Sonu Mochi.

SP Akhilesh Bariar in his press release has admitted on record that prima facie it seems to be a case of sexual abuse, exploitation, and murder. A case has been filed in the connection. Police are interrogating the other suspects also.

A five-member team was constituted by the SP under the SDPO Tandwa for further investigation.

The locals started protesting after the bodies of the minor girls were recovered.

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