ZIMBABWE – A former Harare City Councillor was recently humiliated in Kuwadzana by his supposed small house over money related issues.

The elderly man identified as Samuel Chinyowa was given a thorough hiding by the woman only identified as Mai Nyasha.

It is alleged that Mai Nyasha is employed by Harare City Council in the police department but attached at Kuwadzana Poly Clinic.

Chinyowa, who was a councillor for Kambuzuma in 2015, was thoroughly beaten by the woman who was using his belt as a sjambok.

The incident, which was caught on camera, attracted a lot of people who live close to the couple’s place of residence.

In the video the two were filmed wrestling each other for the belt with which the woman was using to assault Chinyowa.

A close neighbour who preferred anonymity said the whole mater started when the elder citizen refused to give the wife extra money to take one of the kids who had broken her hand to go to hospital.

“Mai Nyasha was given money to take one of the children who was injured to hospital. She was given US$100 but I think to her it was not enough.

“This did not go well with the husband who decided to leave but was manhandled by his wife leading to a fist fight,” she said.

She as added: “I don’t know why it led to this because the two used to be an adorable couple. The husband used to come twice a day, everyday.
“Vaidana vanhu ivava”.

Another witness close to the two said it all started when Mai Nyasha discovered a text from another woman in Chinyowa’s phone.

Chinyowa was left in underpants when his pair of trousers were torn during the fight.

“We were so embarrassed to see murume mukuru akururwa hembe, trousers rakabvarurwa kusara munhu akapfeka boxer.

“People had to run around to give him something to wrap around,” another witness said.

People had to intervene to stop the two from fighting.
Mai Nyasha was contacted for comment but professed ignorance.

“I don’t know what you talking about; it’s not me,” she said before hanging up her phone.

Efforts to get a comment from Chinyowa were fruitless as his phone went unanswered.

Source : ZW News

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