In a mind-blogging incident, a 44-year-old Bulawayo man reportedly had sexual intercourse with his own biological daughter on several occasions without her consent.

iHarare is well informed through the state publication,Chronicle,that the man (name withheld) sneaked into his 17-year-old daughter’s bedroom naked whilst his wife was sleeping and abused her.

The matter only came to light before Commonage magistrate Ms Gladmore Mushove. The accused person pleaded not guilty to the rape charges.

Prosecuting the case, Stewart Madzore, told the court that the man allegedly committed the heinous act in December 2017.

On the date unknown to the prosecutor but during the month of December, the accused person unlawfully had sexual intercourse with the complainant twice knowing that she had not consented to it,
While the complainant was sleeping, the accused person sneaked naked into the complaint’s blankets and raped her.
The following morning, the accused person threatened to assault the complainant if she reported the abuse.
On count two during the same month, the accused person pretended to be going to the toilet leaving his wife asleep and went to the complainant’s bedroom where he sexually abused her.

The court also heard that after the abuse the minor visited her grandmother in Nketa suburb and refused to return home.

Her grandmother asked her why she didn’t want to go home and the complainant revealed that her father had sexually abused her.

The matter was reported to the police leading to the man’s arrest. In mitigation, the accused denied the allegations  saying that;

How could l have raped my own daughter; l am not guilty. There should be someone else who might have raped her who is not me.

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