James Bakali, an eye witness, who was guarding the place, said the fire was first spotted at around 1 o’clock in the afternoon yesterday.

Bakali said officials from Zomba City Fire Brigade arrived at the place an hour and 30 minutes later.

“I was trying to report to Zomba Fire Brigade but other well-wishers did so before me. The fire was too strong and the larger part of the building has bee burnt,” said Bakali.

He said attempts to put out the fire proved futile as the fire was very strong.

Bakali said there were no people inside the hotel which is currently not functioning.

Another eye witness, Doreen Phirikeya, said they spotted the fire when they were coming from church around 12 o’clock.

Zomba City Fire Brigade Principal Officer, Lodius Sendaluzi, said they faced challenges to put out the fire as it was strong.

Zomba Police spokesperson, Patricia Supliano, confirmed the incident.

“Police officers and Zomba City Fire Brigade officials rushed to the scene and put out the fire which, razed down the building of Hotel Masongola in the City,” Supliano said.

She said they were working hand-in-hand with the Electricity Supply Commission of Malawi (ESCOM) to establish the cause of the fire.

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