A 40-year-old man chopped off his genitals following a fight with his wife in Tamil Nadu’s Chennai on Tuesday. The victim is said to be in a critical state.

Irked over wife leaving the house following a domestic feud, a man chopped off his own genitals at his home in New Washermenpet area of Chennai, Tamil Nadu on Tuesday night.

The victim was identified as 40-year-old Babu, a resident of Tsunami Quarters, who was married to 35-year-old Devi. According to a report in The Times of India, the couple was childless and would often pick fights over the same issue. Babu was a regular drinker and Devi was against his habit, as he would often return home in an inebriated state.

Police officials told a media person that Devi had sought a divorce from Babu and left for her mother’s home on Monday. Reportedly she came to celebrate New Year’s Eve with her husband on Tuesday when a quarrel broke out over the same issue after Babu consumed alcohol. Devi immediately left for her mother’s home again.

Meanwhile, in a fit of rage, Babu went to the kitchen and cut his own genitals using a knife. Hearing his loud cries, the neighbours rushed him to Government Stanley Medical College and Hospital. The doctors told media persons that Babu is in a critical condition and under constant supervision. However, further probe in the matter is underway.

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