Dedza First Grade Magistrate’s Court Friday sentenced a 54-year-old man to eight years imprisonment with hard labour (IHL) for hacking a female detective police officer.

State prosecutor John Chigundu told the court that Simon Khombe hacked Detective Inspector Pilirani Kamanga on both hands on December 3, this year.

Chigundu explained that the detective and other officers from Dedza and Mtakataka were investigating death threats issued to the president of Bwanje Rice Scheme (BRC) by some disgruntled members of the scheme.

He said the members were apparently angered by their leadership who took away a plot belonging to Mrs Bande, the convict’s sister, due to non-compliance of the scheme’s bylaws.

“Police planned to take both sides to Mtakataka Police Post to record their statements but this did not please Khombe who hacked Detective Inspector Kamanga with a panga knife on both hands,” Chigundu said.

Appearing before First Grade Magistrate Symon Mwambo, Khombe was found guilty and Police Prosecutor Chigundu pleaded with the court for a stiffer sentence.

First Grade Magistrate Mwambo bemoaned the assault on Inspector Kamanga saying it is sad that some misguided people continue to create unpleasant working environment for police officers.

“It is the police officers’ mandate to mediate in some conflicts within the community. So people should love their police and appreciate the good job that the law enforcers do in the country,” Mwambo said.

He then convicted Khombe on a charge of Acts Intended to Cause Grievous Harm and slapped him with eight years (IHL).

Khombe comes from Chatewa Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kachindamoto in Dedza District.

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