• 8:16 pm
  • Sunday
  • October 13, 2024
  • info@faceofmalawi.com

Ghanaian Journalist who is also a pastor Stephen Nakujah has opined that over 98% of Christians in Ghana will go to hell if the Christian community does not change its ways.

According to him, the Holy Bible has stated categorically clear that the road leading to Heaven is narrow and the one leading to hell is wide.

“God destroyed the earth during Noah’s time and only 8 people were saved out of the world’s population then and in Sodom and Gomorah, only three people escaped the anger of God” he added.

Speaking about what today’s Christians should focus on as we enter 2020, Pastor Stephen Nakujah explained that Jesus said many are called but few are chosen. Not everyone who shouts the name of the Lord shall inherit the Kingdom of God except those who truly live by God’s commandments and do the will of God.

“What do we see today? Can’t we see the world representing and manifesting itself right in the house of God? Today sin has been institutionalised for all to serve God in easy but unholy ways. I want to tell the world, to serve God is not a joke. It’s a Cross you have come to carry. The Cross of Jesus is Heavy and not comfortable, so whoever wants to worship God in his comfort zone to please the lust of his flesh is lost already”, Pastor Nakujah added.

“Remember, Jesus said, prior to the end time, the love of God in men will go down. People will love the world than loving the Word of God. And it goes ahead to say, “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. (Matthew 24:22) ”

“What does this tell you? It tells you that if God had not come for His, satan would have even stolen all the elect. So any Christian out there thinking going to Heaven will be an easy thing must revise His notes. Heaven is no joke. Let’s live a righteous life and make sure we go any length to please God” He concluded.

Source : GhanaianGuardian

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