Veteran Nollywood Actress Patience Ozokwor popularly known as Mama G, is reported to have turned born again. The famous actress who is known for wicked roles in movies have abandoned her old life style and now preaches in church, after her encounter with Christ in January 2016.

According to report, she had a chat with Starttells which took place at a crusade organized by St Mark’s Anglican Church Eziobodo village in state, she shared her experience about her encounter with Holy Spirit and about changing from her old ways life.

According to Patience Ozokwor:

“I normally organise a personal retreat for myself in the first few days of the new year. When it was time to have my 2016 retreat, i heard the voice of the Holy Spirit telling me to fast for 21 days. I complained that i have so many projects to handle, endorsments and movies to shoot within that period. The Lord extended it to 30 days because of my complaints.
During the fasting period, the Lord revealed to me how i will be a voice for him all over the world and how people’s attention will be channeled from my image on Nollywood to the gospel.”

She further revealed that one of the things God warned her about is her appearance, putting on make-up, wearing of jewelries and that putting on trouser as a lady is wrong. She also said God told her to put off her braids. She outlined what makes God weep from the Book of Galatians 5:16-20.

When asked about her acting career, she said the Holy Spirit has not directed her to quit or not. And she has not featured in any movie since January. She also said she use to have an average of 1.5 million naira weekly but God has been miraculously providing for her.


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