• 11:54 am
  • Tuesday
  • July 16, 2024
  • info@faceofmalawi.com

A person may experience swollen feet for various reasons. Different factors have been linked to this condition. Here are some of the causes as highlighted by  Deborah Weatherspoon, PhD, a nurse.

Image result for swollen feet"

1. Pregnancy

Some women tend to develop the condition when they are pregnant. Swollen feet can be an evident sign of the early stages of pregnancy. The swelling occurs due to retention of fluid and increased pressure on the veins.

 2. Foot  injury 

A swelling foot could be that you recently injured yourself on the foot.  An injury to the foot can cause swelling around the foot area. Swelling occurs when the ligaments, a band of strong tissue that holds the bones of an animal in position become overstretched

3. Edema

It is an excessive accumulation of serum in tissue spaces or a body cavity. It normally results in the swelling of the foot. It can also occur in any part of the body. A swelling foot can be a sign of edema. Other signs of edema include stretched, shiny skin on the foot, coughing or difficulties in breathing, tenderness among others.

 4. Lifestyle factors

Certain lifestyle factors have been reported to lead to this condition. The factors include being overweight, having a sedentary lifestyle and wearing ill-fitting shoes.

5. Preeclampsia

A complication of pregnancy, affecting about 5% of all women, characterized by hypertension and damage to the linings of the blood vessels of the brain, liver, lungs and kidneys, which can lead to multiple organ failure, convulsions, coma and death. Pregnant women experience it due to preeclampsia.

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