Kenya – Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of a 27-year-old man whose body was found in his room on December 29, 2019.

It is believed the young man, Meshack Bwisa took his life on December 25, 2019 [Chritmas Day], some 4 days down before his body was retrieved, police say.

“Frustrations arising from unsuccessful bets is the reason for this suicidal ideation”, Meshack’s suicide not read.

In the letter, he also advised the youth and his family members to refrain from betting, saying “it ends up impoverishing people”.

What happened?

Meshacks’s relatives said they went over to his house to look for him as they prepared to celebrate the festivity season as a family.

They narrated that when they knocked on the door, they did not get any response. Upon trying to gain access to the house, they realised that he had locked the door from the inside, prompting them to seek police officers’ intervention.

The law enforcement agents arrived at the scene, broke down the door and found his lifeless body lying on a bed.

A poisonous chemical was found on the floor.

“The body had swollen and decomposed. It is likely he died on the night of December 25, 2019”, cops said.

Meshack’s body was taken to the morgue, where a postmortem examination was scheduled for early January.

Meshack was an employee at the Registry Department of the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

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