In another tragic development a machete wielding gang of Mashurugwi  (illegal gold planners) struck again last night at Cigaro farm ten km out of Chegutu killing two people namely two Gogo Antonio and her 17 year old grandchild Michele.

The three other surviving female family members were also raped, left naked and hacked by machetes.

They are said to be in a critical condition and battling for their lives at Chegutu Hospital.

Meanwhile in similar news, members of the army have been fingered in the rampant gold wars involving machete wielding gangs following a shootout at an Kadoma mine.

One Kudakwashe Hoko was gunned down by private security guards at Goodhope which is part of Brompton Mine in Kadoma, were another machete wielding gang of Mashurugwi brutally murdered a police Constable Wonder Hokoyo.

Police have revealed that Hoko was a corporal in the Zimbabwe National Army based at the military headquarters in Harare.

Hoko, according to police, was part of a six-man gang that drove to Goodhope on January 7, arriving just after 9PM.

“The accused disembarked from their vehicle and forcibly entered the fenced gold rush site.They were challenged to stop by the security guards but they continued advancing being led by Hoko who was armed with an axe,”says an internal police memo.

Police say security guards from a company called Excop fired warning shots in the air but the gang kept advancing, leading to one of the guards shooting Hoko in the chest at close range.

When the guards searched the group’s vehicle after apprehending Hoko’s colleagues, they discovered two pairs of Zimbabwe National Army camouflage uniform, a small axe, a Colombian knife and four explosives.

According to reports by Zim Live, the police have now uncovered that three of the six men were members of the ZNA.

The other two who were arrested have been charged with criminal trespass.

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