A 21-year-old lady working as a domestic worker has been nabbed for allegedly teaching her boss’s four year old boy sexual moves.

The lady Princess Mpofu is allegedly to have taught the young boy how to caress buttocks, breasts and private parts of a woman.

The incident came to light when the young boy tried to apply practical theory of his lessons on his grand mother and mother respectively.

When asked where he learnt what he was doing the lips of the young boy did not hesitate but mentioning the name of the maid.

Sometime in November in the same year, the boy’s mother was lying on the floor facing upwards when the complainant got on top of her and started performing sexual moves. When the complainant was asked what he was doing he said the accused person had taught him.

It was also revealed that the minor had also tried to put his hand under the skirt of another woman,  When questioned, he revealed that he wanted to play with her privates as he had been taught by the accused.

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