Media Institute of Southern Africa Malawi Chapter (MISA Malawi) has condemned the arrest of three journalists from Nation Publications Limited and Zodiak Broadcasting Station at Kamuzu International Airport (KIA).

The three journalists namely Golden Matonga, Steve Zimba and Francis Chamasowa were assigned to cover the arrival of a European Union Election Observer Mission to present a final report on the May 21 2019 Tripartite Elections.

Police confiscated the journalists’ mobile phones, among others. The three were released at around 6:30pm after charging them with “Disordery at an airport contrary to Aviation Act”.

In a statement released by MISA Malawi Chairperson Teresa Ndanga condemned the arrest describing it as barbaric.

“MISA Malawi is worried that authorities continue to treat journalism as a crime and that there is continued animosity by some police officers towards journalists.

“We would like to reiterate our appeal to the police that they should make more efforts towards working as a service and forming a better working relationship with journalists,” reads in part the statement.

She added: “MISA Malawi will engage the Malawi Police Service (MPS) leadership to discuss these concerns and agree on concrete steps of improving the working relationship between our two sides.”

Meanwhile EU observer team has shelved off plans to release the final report on the May 21 polls as requested by some quarters in the country.

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