Police in Bangwe, Blantyre have arrested a 27-year-old woman on suspicion that she killed her husband by stabbing him in the abdomen with a knife.

Limbe Police Station Deputy Public relations Officer, Widson Nhlane told Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Thursday that the suspect, Ethel Harry stabbed her husband, Charles Malizani aged 27 on December 29, 2019 after a marital misunderstanding.

“According to the deceased’s uncle, Smart George, on December 29, 2019, Malizani picked a quarrel with his wife over family issues which ended into a fight,” Nhlane said. “In the process, the wife stabbed her husband with a knife in the stomach and he immediately collapsed.”

Nhlane said Malizani was rushed to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital and later died on January 8, 2020.

“Post-mortem was conducted and cause of death was internal bleeding due to stab wound,” he added.

The suspect who comes from Makwiza Village in Traditional Authority Makhuwira in Chikwawa district, will appear before court to answer murder charges which contravenes Section 209 of the Penal Code.

Meanwhile, police is appealing to family members to report their problems to marriage counsellors or police for a possible solution other than resorting to fighting.


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