As Malawians are eagerly waiting to know the person behind attempts to bribe Judges handling the ongoing Presidential polls case, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has issued a security alert to its staff.

The memo is signed by ACB director general, Reyneck Matemba, advises all staff that starting from yesterday 13th January 2020, all staff should leave ACB premises by 5:30pm.

The communication adds that all threats or any intimidation targeted at any ACB officer should be reported to their seniors for immediate action.

“In the event that it has become extremely necessary for an officer to remain in his or her office and work beyond 5:30 pm, advance notice should be provided to the Director or Head of the officer’s department or Section, respectively,” the statement reads in part.

On Sunday, the media was awash with reports that some unknown people attempted to bribe a panel of five Judges hearing the Presidential case.

This was revealed after the Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda lodged a complaint to the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).

Matemba confirmed receiving a written complaint but could not disclose the names of the suspected culprits.
Meanwhile no one has been arrested in connection with the case.

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