Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has given the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) 72 hours to name and arrest people implicated in the attempt to bribe Constitutional Court judges hearing the presidential election case.

The ultimatum was given to Director General for ACB Reyneck Matemba yesterday to act, within three days but the bureau is yet to make a comment on the petition.

HRDC chairperson Timothy Mtambo after presenting the petition said he was surprised that ACB is up to date failing to name and make arrest of the suspected Constitutional Court judge Briber despite Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda lodged a complaint to the bureau.

HRDC’s demand to the bureau s contrary to what Matemba said during the press briefing that the bureau will not disclose names of the suspected bribers arguing the bureau is acting within the law.

Following the complaint filed by Andrew Nyirenda to the bureau, different stakeholders have been pushing the Anti-grafting body to make arrest as soon as possible in order to reclaim their trust from Malawians as the bureau is said to have lost their credibility.

Confirming to be approached by the Chief Justice, Matemba disclosed that one of the 2 people mentioned in the letter is a senior government official whilst the other is in the private sector.

In the case United Transformation Movement (UTM) President Saulos Chilima and his counterpart Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) are seeking for nullification of the presidential polls results.

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