President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s advice that Zimabwbeans should eat potatoes and vegetables instead of meat has been backed by Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni."I Eat Irish Potatoes And Vegetables" - Ugandan President Yoweri


Mnangagwa made the remarks, after struggling impoverished Zimbabweans complained about the high prices of beef.
However, Mnangagwa’s advice found an unlikely backer in Museveni who revealed that the diet was good for him and had allowed him to shed a massive 30 kilograms. Museveni said he had not been watching his weight, which had gone up to 106kg.
The BBC reports that the 75-year-old leader credits that diet for his self-proclaimed youthful looks. In an interview with the BBC, Museveni said,
“I eat some cassava because I don’t eat your European food and your Asian foods. I eat our food; which is cassava, some bananas, millets and our vegetables,
So I normally eat a little bit of that in the morning. Then no lunch, I just drink water and coffee without sugar because it’s very bad – sugar is not good
Then at around seven [in the evening], I eat two Irish potatoes because they have got low starch, and a lot of vegetables to deceive the stomach that I am putting there something when in fact it’s just the roughage.”
He has advised Ugandans several times to shun Western foods for local ones, which are, according to him, healthier and also stave off diseases.
Mr Museveni has been in power since 1986 and plans to run for a sixth term in 2021.

Credit: iHarare

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