Kenyan residents of Sirongo village in Central Alego location in Siaya County were left shocked after an elderly woman was found dead in a sitting position in her house.

According to the villagers, 80-year-old Angelina Odengo was found sitting on her bed lifeless after they broke into the house when she failed to wake up.

Confirming the incident, Kakumu – Kombewa sub location assistant chief, Philip Ogola said that the deceased had been staying alone in the house.

Ogola said that her daughter-in-law whose house is adjacent, went to wake her up but became concerned when there was no response.

“She became concerned and alerted neighbours who thronged the home and on trying to open the house, realized that it was locked from inside,” said the assistant chief.

He said that the villagers broke the door only to find the deceased seated on her bed but lifeless.

Ogola said that the body was moved to Siaya County referral hospital mortuary for postmortem.

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