The killer coronavirus that started in Wuhan, China, is now being reported by scientists that it could be contracted through the eyes.

Chinese doctor Wang Guangfa fears that he might have contracted the infection because he wasn’t wearing protective goggles. Experts confirm that it actually possible for the virus to enter the eyes by touching them if it is on a patient’s hands.

Wang Guangfa, one of the 1,400 people who has been infected with the new coronavirus

The virus is also confirmed to be spread through sneezes and coughs and can roam the body to reach the eye. 56 patients have died in the virus outbreak in China which has struck down more than 1,400 people and has spread as far as the United States.

The Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan, China, at a market selling live poultry, seafood, and wild animals. It can infect both animals and people and can cause illnesses of the respiratory tract ranging from the common cold to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Its main treatment thus far is supportive care and using of ventilators to push air into the lungs if necessary. Patients are also encouraged to rest and drink plenty of fluids while the immune system does its job to heal itself.

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