An American man asked a judge to be in sword fight with his ex-wife and her attorney in a trial by combat that will settle their ongoing legal dispute.

David Ostrom said in court that his former wife, Bridgette Ostrom and her attorney, Matthew Hudson, had “destroyed (him) legally”.

Ostrom, who is said to be a die-hard Game of Thrones fan, also requested a 12 weeks lead time before the trial by combat date so he may have one Katana and one Wakizashi sword forged for use, Metro reports.

“They’ve tried to ignore me and not address equal custody, and I think this puts a spotlight on them,” he said.

“I’ve kind of run out of options now and no one pays attention to what I think is a hardship on myself and my children,” he added.

Judge Craig Dreismeier said in his own filing Monday that he won’t be issuing a decision anytime soon, citing irregularities with both sides’ motions and responses.

“Until the proper procedural steps to initiate a court proceeding are followed, this court will take no further action concerning any motion, objection or petition filed by either party at this time,” the judge said.

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