The young boy suffered a traumatic brain injury when he was born, his unfortunate challenge as well as a knack for business served as an impetus that drove him into starting a company that employs persons living with disabilities.

As he grew, Camden realised his shortcomings and knew they were as a result of his childhood injury.

Simple tasks such as tying his shoes or holding a pencil became extremely difficult for the young boy.

After becoming aware of his shortcomings, his self-esteem plummeted and he was left with no confidence.

The people caring for the young boy decided to set up the small coffee business to keep him engaged.

To their surprise, Camden enjoyed the experience so much that a decision was made to find Cam’s Coffee Collections.

Currently, Camden’s startup has become a thriving business, providing coffee locally and across the United States.

He serves fresh coffee while learning lessons of entrepreneurship, social and relationship skills, math and the importance of goal setting.

Camden trains his staff personally and equips them with skills needed to serve their customers.

His shop started off as an online store and soon after, the entrepreneur opened a physical location for his business.

On top of his coffee hustle, Camden sells baked goods in his frequented shop. His second place of business dubbed Bespoke confections has a workforce made of people living with autism.

He hopes to soon open up other businesses that will also serve the disabled community and offer them an equal opportunity at the job market.

“I like helping people. I like working. I like making money and I like donating money. I like donating money to people who don’t have houses or food,” the kind boy said.

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